Thursday, April 29, 2010

Greetings From The Trail

Greetings from the trail. I'm currently in Warner Springs and enjoying some long soaks in their hot springs. Some how my indestructable camera was not so indestructable so now I must rely on the HD video camera from now on.

I'm trying to make the Blog videos but find that I really have to force myself to sit down and make them. They are deffinately out of my "Norm".

The trail has been far easier then I remember, and have had to force myself to not push more then 20 miles each day in fear of reaching the high seirras before much of the snow has melted away. But even with going slow you can still make 22 miles in a day and be done before 3 pm.

Hopefully I will force myself to make longer videos with more details and what not. Sending out the first memory card back home in about 2-3 days from now so the videos should be up shortly afterwards.

Thats it for now,

Wander + Drift

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

When Will The Video Appear?

When Shay gets to one of the food boxes sent to him, he will send back one or more of the memory cards that contain video. When we get these, we will post them on this site.

Shay has a Kodak Zi8 pocket HD video camera with him for the videos. We chose the Kodak because it has replaceable memory card, great reviews, super price and it can be recharged from the Solo Solar charger on the trail. He is using 4GB memory card that will be mailed back and forth during his "walk".

More to come....

Last Photo At Home

Here is the last photo of Shay before Leaving for California. What a dude, all dressed up with his pack and everything.

He's wearing his kilt and full gear that he will be wearing for almost if not all of the PCT. What a fashion statement!

Boo, our dog, is not going with him.

Box Lunch

I'm shay's dad and I'll be making the blog posts while Shay is "walking".

Here is a typical food box that will be mailed to him at different stops along the trail. Yunny looking isn't it? Enjoy....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Final Day Before the Trail

Tomorrow morning I fly out to San Diego. The journey will officially start the day after that at the Mexican Border. I will start the Video blog when I start on my trek towards Canada.

I have all my gear packed up and hopefully it will make it through the airport and back to me in one piece.

Well that is all for now, hopefully everything goes as planned and the start of the trip all works out for the best.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Preperation update

Okay, all my packages are packed, still need to get a few more days of food with cous cous and breakfasts. total of 23 packages. Doing a test hike tomorrow. 18 miles witha complete backpack including 5 days of food and an extra pound or two.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Pack Weight

So I just collected all of the gear that I will be using on the PCT. Initially I was extremely bummed out and disappointed with the end weight. With all my gear packed, it was 13lbs 13oz. Now my pack weight for the Appalachain Trail was only 9 pounds and I was not attempting to be light weight at all, just minamalistic. Then I sat down and started thinking why is my pack so heavy. Yeah I'm carrying a sleeping bag this time, and a shelter, but everything is super light weight. I was checking out other hikers gear lists and found out that they were not listing a few items of considerable weight.

1) None of the other gear lists that I have found list the guide books that people carry. The guide book at its heaviest (before you cut out the parts that you have already completed) is 1lbs 9oz.

2) Yet again, none of the gear lists included something that is required to carry whilst on the Pacific Crest Trail. This is the all important bear canister. A grizzly bear proof can to store your food. I have one of the lightest bear canisters you can get and it weighs in at a whooping 2lbs 1oz.

That means that if I was to re-weigh my gear to the standards that most hikers follow, my pack weighs in at 10lbs 3oz.

Makes me feel a bit better now.