Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ever wanted to see America in its true form, away from all the cities and lights? Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to travel across the entire country one foot at a time?
This is your chance. I'll be walking the entire length of the United States along the Continental Divide Trail, and I'll be creating a time lapse of the trip. I'll be starting at the Mexican border and finishing 2700 miles later just over the Canadian border. I will be traveling across New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana.
Crossing the Canadian border after hiking 2700 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail
Crossing the Canadian border after hiking 2700 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail
Now, what's so special about that you ask? Well, no one has ever done anything like this before. People have created time lapse films about hiking across America, however those time lapses were created using less then 5000 pictures. I'm proposing to create a film were I'll be shooting approximately 5000 pictures every single day; The difference being a unique and awe inspiring display of the world passing right before your eyes. A journey of over 2,700 miles with over a quarter of a terabyte of pictures.

I'll also be creating a short documentary about the trip, involving everything from prep-work, what life is like when walking across a country, and post journey.

This is where I need your help. Creating a movie like this would be difficult under normal circumstances, however I'll be carrying everything on my back and not have access to modern conveniences like power outlets or easily managed storage space. Sometimes I'll be 10 or more days away from the next place with AC power. Everything will need to work off the grid.
After hiking 2200 miles, I became the first person to finish the Appalachian Trail southbound in 2009
After hiking 2200 miles, I became the first person to finish the Appalachian Trail southbound in 2009
If this project is funded, it will allow me to purchase 2 cameras, solar chargers, extra battery, and plenty of storage space while I'm out there.
I'll start the actual hike in April 2013. The time spent up to that point will be getting all the logistical arrangements made and making sure the the cameras and all technical gear works flawlessly.
And on top of all that, I will be doing the entire thing while wearing a kilt and carrying a canoe paddle.
And on top of all that, I will be doing the entire thing while wearing a kilt and carrying a canoe paddle.
Thank you and if you would like to ask me any questions feel free to contact me.
-Shay Blackley

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Got my Job for the Winter

I got the job I was hoping for. I'll be working at Park City Mountain Resort this winter as part of the ski patrol. Guess the EMT training put me over the top.

It's going to be a great winter.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wait, the trail ends?

Well, apparently the Pacific Crest Trail actually does have an end, which I'm not to sure if it is a good or bad thing.

I finished the 2665 mile PCT on the 23 of August and have slowly been working my way back into the civilized world. I will be able to create a much longer detailed post in the next few days involving more information and the much sought after pictures and videos.

On a side note, Adventure Duck has completed its first thru-hike, and Drift now has 5,000 miles under his belt.

Check back in the next few days for the final PCT post!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Video from Mt. Hood and Hiking to the Top!

Boot Skiing on Mt Hood.

The Adventure Duck Song as sung by Shay.

Cabin Comfort

Mt. Jefferson

Crater Lake and a Duck

The latest photos from crater lake with Adventure Duck. Enjoy.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Last 3 Weeks....

It's about 3 more weeks to go to enter Canada and the end of the PCT. We (Shay's pa) are making plans for getting Shay's car out of the barn in Idaho where it has been stored for a couple of years. The 2 dozen+ mice have protected it well (and lost their lives in the process) but in the process chewed through one of the spark plug wires. Replacements are in the way but other than that the car is in super shape.

3 more weeks to go......